Uninformed: Informative Information for the Uninformed

Vol 8» 2007.Sep


Command Window

All keyboard input, if accepted, is displayed in the Command window. Lines of input that are not prefixed with a slash ('/') character are treated as chat text and are sent to the remote instance of SteganRTP as such. Lines of input that begin with a slash are considered commands and are processed by the local instance of SteganRTP.

Main Window

When in Chat mode, chat text and general SteganRTP information messages and events are displayed in the Main window. When in shell mode, this window is overloaded with the input to and output of the shell service provided by the remote instance of SteganRTP.

Input Status Window

Events related to incoming RTP packets or SteganRTP communication messages are displayed in the Input Status window.

Output Status Window

Events related to output RTP packets or SteganRTP communication messages are displayed in the Output Status window.