Uninformed: Informative Information for the Uninformed

Vol 8» 2007.Sep

Outbound File Descriptors

Outbound File Descriptors are polled, in order, for data waiting to be sent. Due to being polled in order, they are essentially prioritized in that order and data waiting to be sent from a prior descriptor in the list will have precedence over data waiting to be sent from a latter descriptor. The file descriptors included in the outbound list are as follows:

Raw Message Interface

Entire, unencrypted outbound messages are written to this file descriptor. This file descriptor is used for the replaying of entire messages in response to a Resend control message as described in Section [*].

Control Message Interface

Outbound control messages as described in Section [*] are written to this file descriptor after creation.

Chat Interface

Outbound chat data is written to this file descriptor. This file descriptor is tied to the command window of the SteganRTP ncurses interface. All non-command text entered into the command window while in chat mode is considered chat data.

Remote Shell Interface

Outbound shell data is written to this file descriptor. This file descriptor is tied to the command window of the SteganRTP ncurses interface. All non-command text entered into the command window while in shell mode is considered shell data.

Local Shell Service

Outbound shell data from the local shell service is written to this file descriptor. This file descriptor is tied to the local process providing shell access. This file descriptor does not exist in the list if the local shell service is disabled.

File Transfers

Any number of file descriptors for data files being actively sent may be appended or removed from the end of the outbound file descriptors list.