Uninformed: Informative Information for the Uninformed

Vol 5» 2006.Sep

... leads1
The idea of finding, selling and stealing leads is anything but new, in fact Hollywood made a movie based entirely on the importance of sales leads titled 'Boiler Room' starring Giovanni Ribisi, Ben Affleck and Vin Diesel [Boiler]. The movie illustrates a perfect example of the significance of even one major lead
... collector2
The term collector in this paper in its loosest sense is a name given to an individual who collects mortgage leads for the purpose of attaining a profit.
... corporation.3
It is actually rumored that at one point in time this company consumed 100% of the mortgage leads ever processed in the United States.
... somewhere4
An individual who wishes to stay anonymous informed me of terms commonly used.
... validated.5
A validated lead is one that is confirmed through the person who's information was sold to begin with (The loan application candidate) goes through.
... opt-ins6
An opt-in is a user who wishes to recieve information regarding the service or product you provide.
... spam7
Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.[Inside]
... bullet-proof-hosting8
A bullet-proof-host is a node on a provider's network with extremly loose Terms of Service, often allowing them to spam or host any content they wish. Usually the provider resides in a third world or communist country.
... network9
A distributed collection of agents (bots) connected and controlled by a central authority.
... generating.10
This method of tracking referrals is well adopted in most spam/advertising related industries online. The majority of spyware and adware vendors leverage this method of tracking to pay their affiliates.