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Generic Object InformationSince the OBJECT_HEADER is common to all objects, let's look at it in detail. A static field here refers to all objects of specific type, not all executive objects in the system.
0: kd> dt _OBJECT_HEADER +0x000 PointerCount : Int4B +0x004 HandleCount : Int4B +0x004 NextToFree : Ptr32 Void +0x008 Type : Ptr32 _OBJECT_TYPE +0x00c NameInfoOffset : UChar +0x00d HandleInfoOffset : UChar +0x00e QuotaInfoOffset : UChar +0x00f Flags : UChar +0x010 ObjectCreateInfo : Ptr32 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION +0x010 QuotaBlockCharged : Ptr32 Void +0x014 SecurityDescriptor : Ptr32 Void +0x018 Body : _QUAD
From this it is assumed that the most reliable and unique signature is the Type field of the OBJECT_HEADER which could be used in order to identify objects of a specific type such as EPROCESS, ETHREAD, DRIVER_OBJECT, and DEVICE_OBJECT objects.